Google Update for Article Headline Structured Data 2023

A new update has come in Google regarding the article headline structured data. The update says that the headline structured data that actaully limited to only 110 characters has been removed now.

The update says that people should consider a concise title rather than inputing big titles that actually may truncate on some devices.

Now there is no hard characted limited instead people should consider a precise title instead of long titles that may truncate on some devices.

About Google’s Article Headline Structured Data

It is a type of metadata that helps you add title to your website to help Google understand the content of your pages and provide more accurate and good search results.

The structured data is added to the HTML code of your pages using a special markup language called JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data). The structured data tells Google what type of content is on the page, what the page is about, and other details that can help Google understand the context and meaning of the content.

Example of how you might use Structured Data to mark up the headline of an article:


The Google updates says that finally the headline structured data that actaully limited to only 110 characters has been removed now. No hard characted limited instead people should consider a precise title instead of long titles that may truncate on some devices.

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