What is an algorithm

What is an algorithm, Types of algorithms and Uses

Have you ever seen a chatbot, robot, voice assistance, laptop, computer, or smartphone working in a very systematic manner? Well, they have not created themselves, they have actually been developed by humans like all the technicians, scientists, and programming languages. When a baby comes into the world, we teach them about shapes, figures, colors, alphabets, words, sentences, etc and then that baby becomes a capable individual for each and everything. 

Same as babies we have machines, we teach machines how to respond to a particular command, we create programs, and codes to make them understand each and every minute step in order to respond correctly and this is how Algorithms are defined. 

What is an Algorithm?

We can define algorithms as a set of commands that are defined by small steps that are used to execute/run any type of machine, programming language, robot, etc. Before the set of all the rules and commands we first allow the user to set input, then algorithms work according to the rules set up in it and after the execution of the program, we have the final fruitful output. That’s how algorithms are defined. 

We have algorithms for each and everything. Here’s a list of each and every algorithm which we are going to learn about.

  • Searching
  • Sorting
  • Graphs
  • Arrays
  • Basics

Searching Algorithm

In our daily life, the first thing we open is our browser, and thing the tic tap on the keyboard leads to your searching on the search engine, you text down your query and immediately get millions of answers on your screen. But do you know how your search is down? Whatever you search immediately works on the searching algorithms.

  1. Linear Search

  2. Binary Search

  3. Depth First Search

  4. Breadth-First Search 

Sorting Algorithm

We have always learned that sorting is about clubbing all the elements of an array or any list in ascending and descending. We are having a total of ten sorting algorithms performing different kinds of functions. We have bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quicksort, counting sort, radix sort, bucket sort, heap sort, and shell sort. All of these sorting algorithms have different time complexity bifurcating as best, worst and average. They also have space complexity.


For every statistical and probability need we need different kinds of graphs in order to enhance and get a good insight into our work.  For more clear graphs we have many kinds of graphs such as:-

  1. Kruskal’s Algo

  2. Dijkstra’s Algo

  3. Bellman Fort Algo

  4. Floyd Warshall Algo

  5. Topological Sort Algo

  6. Flood Fill Algo

  7. Lee Algo


The array algorithm comprises of the max, min value of array, the sum, average value of array elements, in short it comprises of all the possible detection of the array elements. It is also having many types such as:

  1. Kadane’s Algo

  2. Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algo

  3. KMP Algo

  4. Quick Select Algo

  5. Boyer – More Majority Vote Algo

So, these are the types and uses of all the algorithms we have till far.  Every algorithm has it’s own set of rules. 

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